Average price 7 days
0.7292132 Dollar
Highest price
0.7617 Dollar
Trading volume 24 hours
24,894.73211 Dollar
Average price 7 days
66,560 Toman
Highest price
69,795 Toman
Trading volume 24 hours
3,467,272,156 Toman
The Cardano blockchain platform is a third-generation decentralized proof-of-stake (PoS) alternative to proof-of-work (PoW).
With PoW networks like Ethereum, scalability, interoperability, and sustainability are constrained by the infrastructure burden of energy use, rising costs, and slow transaction times.
A co-founder of Ethereum, a proof-of-work (PoW) blockchain, Charles Hoskinson, recognized the implications of these challenges for blockchain networks, and he was inspired to create Cardano and its primary cryptocurrency, ada, in 2015. The platform and ada token launched in 2017.
Cardano aims to replace Ethereum. Both platforms are used for the same purposes, such as smart contracts, and both aim to create a connected, decentralized system.
Cardano was designed as an update to Ethereum. The blockchain platform is also designed to give banking services to those without bank accounts.
Cardano is primarily used for identity management and traceability. The former application can be used to streamline and simplify processes that require multiple sources of data to be collected.
In the latter case, you can track and audit a product's manufacturing process from its origins all the way to its finished goods, and thus, reduce the market for counterfeit goods.
On an exchange, Cardano can be purchased with fiat currencies or cryptocurrencies. Cryptocurrency exchanges are online platforms that act as an intermediary between buyers and sellers.
It is necessary for users to register on an exchange in order to transfer cryptocurrencies, and their identities must be verified. After the verification process is complete, the user will be able to buy Cardano and the funds will be transferred to their account.
With a Rial deposit, you can purchase ADA on the Toman Market, and with a USDT deposit, you can purchase Cardano on the Tether Market.
As a pioneer in blockchain science, Bit.ir provides a secure environment for storing and holding cryptocurrencies, allowing its users to buy and sell cryptocurrencies at the lowest possible price. Users can also use the Bit.ir application to put their orders.
What Determines Cardano’s Price?
Cardano includes volatility like all assets. But the essence of cryptocurrencies is that they do not value by a particular group or entity. The supply and demand of these cryptocurrencies will increase or decrease Cardano price.
Where can I buy Cardano?
Bit.ir trading platform is one of the safest cryptocurrency exchange markets in Iran, utilizing the knowledge of local experts in this field. Bit.ir provides a secure, fast and efficient platform for buying ADA.
How does Cardano price determine on Bit.ir?
Buyers put their order at their desired prices. Sellers, on the other hand, put their sale orders at the desired prices. Now by any transaction between buyers and sellers on the platform, the price of Cardano will change to the last transaction.